Heavy transportation represents the ultimate challenge for TPMS – lots of tyres!
Heavy Transportation & Mobile Crane Challenges
Very often there is a need for up to 64 tyres or more with considerable stress on each tyre. This includes STGO, SPMT, and mobile crane machines.

TPMS for Many Wheels
ATLAS can receive TPMS data from an unlimited number of tyres providing TPMS data in real-time whether the trailer/vehicle is powered or uncoupled.
SPMT modular systems are often used interchangeably to cater for the required load. Tyre pressures are known prior to building the full “system”.

Rich Heavy Haulage Feature Set
- Battery Backed – monitoring when the trailer is unpowered
- TPMS – tyre monitoring under all conditions
- Tracking – know where the tailer is at all times
- Security – movement, geo-fence, door opening
- Wheel Loss – know when wheel nuts are loosening
- Hub Temperature – monitor hub/brake temperatures

Fleet TPMS for Heavy Transportation
ATLAS allows a fleet or site manager to manage the tyre performance of the whole fleet via the ATLAS Insight web application.

Journey Health
Monitor the health of the vehicle along the journey. Any data points collected can be viewed along the journey path to highlight any problem areas.

Pushing the TPMS Boundary
Heavy transportation has a lot of demands on tyres…..lots of them!
A demanding 55 meters wheelbase, trailer & prime mover with 40 tyres on the trailer alone. Providing connected real time 24/7 TPMS as well as tracking, security and lots more functions even when the trailer is uncoupled and unpowered.
The solution had to interact with all the relevant safety personnel connected to the health of the vehicle and its load by providing visibility of the data and current tyre status by Web App and Mobile App. Early intervention for tyre and vehicle issues are key to ensuring the success for the stakeholders responsible for the safety and efficiency of the operation; that of transporting heavy loads across country borders. more……
OEM or After Market – Very Simple Installation
Fitting TPMS to the whole fleet? It takes less than one hour to fit an ATLAS TPMS system without the need to take the machine out of action for hours. The benefits of TPMS will save the company thousands of pounds.
Installation of TPMS on a Mobile Crane
The following components would be required for an installation:
Part Number | Description |
ATLAS | Fleet Gateway |
ATL2-222PR | ATLAS Power Lead |
ATL2-850K | RF Antenna (to receive pressure readings from sensors) |
ATL2-333AN | Cellular and GPS antennas |
ATL2-PGTEH | TPMS Sensors (mounted on the valve) (various options) |

ATL2-920 T-Valve
Recommended for installation with ATL2-PGTEHL Industrial Large Bore Sensors
- The T-valves are suitable for use on all large bore (Earthmover), metal valves and standard metal commercial valves (Truck).
- The T- valve simply screws over the existing valve and forms an airtight seal.
- It works by allowing the pressure to be constantly monitored by the sensor (no need to draw the air and risk sealant blocking the valve) and allow any pressure adjustments to be made by the technician forcing air down the valve chamber.
- The sensor can sit permanently in the required position and regular inflations carried out via the other valve outlet. It’s a simple and an easy fit to undertake. The benefit being you never have to touch the sensor!
- T-valve is a low cost solution.
- Re-useable following tyre & valve change.
- Comes with two large bore metal caps.
- Reduce the need for pressure inspection.
- PPP…..Proactively Preventing Problems

Installation of ATLAS is straight forward… …..find out more
Drop & Hook TPMS with a Heavy Haulage Trailer
This configuration can provide an in-cab receiver for the driver to see tyre pressures and temperatures alerts. Any alerts are immediately visible to the driver and fleet manager. Additional sensors on the truck are picked up as soon as the drop & hook connection is made and visible to the driver and fleet manager. A double check that the correct load is picked up!
Alert Notifications
Email and Mobile App notifications whenever there is an alert generated by the ATLAS System.

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