ATLAS Installation of TPMS components (ATLAS and TPMS Sensors) is relatively straight forward and easy to set-up with the ATLAS Mobile App. In total it should take between thirty minutes to one hour depending on the complexity of the vehicle or machine. There is no need to remove the tyres to fit the TPMS sensors. This makes it very easy to install across the whole fleet – monitored from one application.

Installation Instructions
Once you have identified the vehicle or machine follow the installation flow below (done in five stages):
Stage 1: Position of the components- look through the list of some of the options already
Stage 2: Fix the cables loosely in place (just in case there is a better position for signal/connectivity)
Stage 3: Ensure you have downloaded the ATLAS App from Apple/Google
Stage 4: Follow the set-up instructions below
Stage 5: Secure everything in position
Note: If you are currently not as assigned user of ATLAS then please contact Tough Tech for support. If you are already a subscriber then the ATLAS units supplied will already be assigned to your account and will show up immediately once installation is complete.
Additional Features
ATLAS provides a lot more than TPMS – please contact Tough Tech for assistance.