ATLAS has a number of accessories that build up the full TPMS install.

In-Cab Receiver

Multi functional display that shows the driver/operator tyre, wheel loss and hub temperature alerts.
Additional “ATLAS Warning” indicates that an alert has been verified by the fleet manager.


ATL2-920 T-Valve
Recommended for installation with ATL2-PGTEHL Industrial Large Bore Sensors
- The T-valves are suitable for use on all large bore (Earthmover), metal valves and standard metal commercial valves (Truck).
- The T- valve simply screws over the existing valve and forms an airtight seal.
- It works by allowing the pressure to be constantly monitored by the sensor (no need to draw the air and risk sealant blocking the valve) and allow any pressure adjustments to be made by the technician forcing air down the valve chamber.
- The sensor can sit permanently in the required position and regular inflations carried out via the other valve outlet. It’s a simple and an easy fit to undertake. The benefit being you never have to touch the sensor!
- T-valve is a low cost solution.
- Re-useable following tyre & valve change.
- Comes with two large bore metal caps.
- Reduce the need for pressure inspection.
- PPP…..Proactively Preventing Problems
Signal Booster & Pressure Checker


Sensor Range